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Project Sekai Motions [MMD Download]

There is a base reference model in the main motion folder that you can use to reference for what needs to be changed on your model to work properly with the motion.

Make sure that your model is really close to the reference model for best motion accuracy. Have fun with the motion!

If you have trouble with the motion you can reach me on my discord server or my website (links in description) I would be happy to help; so do other members.


Model and Animation - Sega/Craft Egg/Colorful Palette

Facial Extract Script - Kimochi

Files Decrypter Script - Brogamer

Convert to MMD - FlyingSpirits

Cameras by Harry (some motions include camera)

Downloads are here -> [Motion Downloads]


- アイディスマイル (ID Smile)

- 劣等上等 (BRING IT ON)

- トンデモワンダーズ (TONDEMO-WONDERZ)

- メルティランドナイトメア (Melty Land Nightmare)

- ニア (Near + Camera)

- ロミオとシンデレラ (Romeo & Cinderella)

- drop pop candy

- 自傷無色 (Self-Inflicted Achromatic)

- ブリキノダンス (Tinplate's Dance)

- ツギハギスタッカート (Patchwork Staccato)

- Ready Steady

- 悔やむと書いてミライ (Composing the Future)

- スイートマジック (Sweet Magic)

- セカイはまだ始まってすらいない (The World Hasn't Even Started Yet)

- potatoになっていく (Becoming Potatoes)

- シャルル (Charles + Camera)

- ノンブレス・オブリージュ (Non-Breath Oblige)

- 私は、私達は (I am, We are)


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